Wednesday, January 10, 2007

sickly week

Well, this week the sick cycle finally hit me. I lost ten pounds the last four days but am finally feeling much better today. Laura woke me up last night at four in the morning to show me some drawings she had made for me. What do you do at that point though...So with one eye open I loved them dearly. I thought maybe she was sleepwalking but she remembered this morning as soon as she woke up. I'd like one night for them to sleep till about 7am. Might be too much to ask. They are cute though, I cant say that I've ever gotten mad at them for waking me up.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

Well, the new year started out with a bang. Went to Topsfield for a wedding and took all the kiddo's. I had nothing left in me by the time we sent the kids back to the hotel. Little Catherine had been just into every little thing. When we walked into the hotel to check in, the whole place gasped and covered their ears from Catherine's screaming. She didnt stop either for a long time.
The wedding went as planned, all that planning over in 6 hours. The rehearsal dinner was fun. There was some restaurant in the middle of nowhere Massachusetts, I think it was Ipswich. Kara asked me to say a couple of words...well, the aunts were sitting in their own table with the rosary beads nearby no doubt when i went front and center. I told everyone the blah blah's about what a wonderful couple Aaron and Joanne are and how we are grateful that the 2am drunken phone calls will stop....and then I told everyone about the phone call i got from Aaron after he proposed to her.
Aaron asked me about married life, specifically sex after he really didnt, but that doesnt matter, it was my story. Anyway, as soon as I got the first line in the counsel of aunts let out a collective 'oh my god'. So I told them that married life brings out a whole sort of new experiences but sex...well sex is almost every night....(There were sighs, they are getting used to me though).......almost on a monday, almost on a Tuesday, almost on a Wednesday...........
New years eve after the kids left the wedding I ended up tying one on. We had an after-party in somebody's room......I really dont know who...I was sitting at a table, drinking $150 a bottle champagne and for no reason i yelled out "jane you ignorant slut" (an old saturday night live skit).
Anyway, later on I was put to bed and the next morning, with little to no sleep, started this whole madhouse all over again.

2006 photos are on the link"